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来源:http://www.sanwangyoubanggen.com/ 日期:2020-11-05 发布人:admin
I believe that many people have prepared their own feed in the process of raising pigs, and they all think that it is not very difficult to prepare pig feed. Of course, it is also the case. Any combination of raw materials will not bring any negative effects, such as pig death or how. However, the unreasonable preparation method has a real impact on the direct economic benefits.
Pig pellet manufacturer
The core premix for pig feed preparation is as follows:
1. Choose as many kinds of raw materials as possible?
"More varieties of raw materials can play a complementary role in nutrients, but attention should be paid to the utilization efficiency of nutrients in raw materials by pigs."

Refute the myth: in fact, all kinds of nutrients are basically the same in plants and animals. The difference is that the contents are different. The ultimate goal of feed preparation is to understand the proportion of nutrients in raw materials, and then according to the nutritional needs of pigs. To put it simply, it is a binomial balance. In general, the simpler the two sides of the equation, the easier it will be to balance. Therefore, in the selection of raw materials, corn and soybean meal are the main ingredients, one as energy feed and the other as protein feed. The nutritional ratio of these two raw materials is basically clear. However, if the two are simply mixed, the natural nutrition ratio can not meet the nutritional needs of animals, so it needs to be supplemented In the regular feed factory, we will make up for the missing part accurately, while the farmers' self mixing is usually realized by premix. Although there is a lack of precision, it can still be basically satisfied.
However, it is absolutely a deception to ask you to use more raw materials to make feed. More raw materials means more uncertain nutrition ratio. I don't believe anyone can even out this binomial formula, which means that you will waste more nutrition and not get reasonable remuneration for meat production. Of course, pigs may not have obvious loss, but the production performance is absolutely low.
2. Use local cheap feed materials as much as possible.
"The resources of feed raw materials vary from place to place. Some cheap feed materials, such as sweet potato and bean curd residue, can be used to reduce breeding costs," the original explained
Refute the rumor: the disadvantages are the same as above. But if it is only to reduce costs, it may still be feasible. As long as the overall benefits are large enough, just like pig raising with hogwash, the cost is low enough and the feed meat ratio is high. However, pig farming with hogwash is prohibited in many places. In addition, it is worth mentioning that such a scheme will lead to the extension of the breeding cycle, which is not conducive to farmers in some markets
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