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来源:http://www.sanwangyoubanggen.com/ 日期:2020-06-29 发布人:admin
Variety and reasonable, ensure full nutrition. Among the three kinds of pig feed, including green fodder, roughage and concentrate feed, the green feed contains more moisture, larger volume, easier digestion, better palatability, and contains a variety of vitamins, minerals and proteins; the coarse feed has a large volume and a high content of crude fiber, which can increase the contact surface between feed and digestive fluid, and has the effect of catharsis, which makes pigs feel full but difficult to digest; Concentrate is characterized by small size, high nutritional value, easy to digest, but lack of minerals and vitamins.
Pay attention to the relationship between feed volume and pig feed intake. The feed volume can be calculated by dry matter content of pig feed. According to the daily feed dry matter of 2.5kg-4.5kg per 100kg body weight, the dry matter of green feed, coarse feed and concentrate feed is 5:3:2. If a 150 kg pregnant sow needs feed dry matter of 5 kg per day, 2.5kg of dry matter comes from green feed (1kg of green feed can get 1kg of dry matter), and 1.5kg of dry matter comes from roughage and 1kg of dry matter Self concentrate.

To achieve good palatability of pig premix, easy to digest premixed feed, such as high energy and protein, less crude fiber, good palatability, easy to digest; on the contrary, low energy and protein, more crude fiber, poor palatability, difficult to digest. In the preparation of pig feed, green feed should be used more and roughage less, and the quality of the roughage should be good.
According to different pig groups, different types of diets are selected. Generally speaking, concentrate type can be selected for piglets, breeding boars and fattening pigs at fattening stage, that is, concentrate can account for more than 50% of the total diet weight; breeding sows and reserve sows can choose green diet type, that is, green feed can account for more than 50% of the total diet weight; Bran type can be selected for Jiazi pigs, that is, bran feed can account for more than 50% of the total diet weight.
One mistake of pig feed: a large number of soybean cakes or peanut cakes are fed in the fattening stage.
Many pig farmers have an unscientific feeding concept, that is, they feed a large number of bean cakes or peanut cakes in the stage of pig fattening. They think that only by feeding pigs in this way can they grow fast and their meat can bear fruit. In fact, this is wrong. In the fattening stage, the main point of pig growth is to grow fat, not muscle, so it does not need a lot of protein feed.
If a large amount of protein feed is fed in the fattening stage, the nitrogen-containing part of protein must be removed in the gastrointestinal tract of pigs, and other non nitrogen containing parts can be transformed into fat, but the nitrogen removal needs more energy. In addition, the soybean cake or peanut cake contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, which can make the fat of the pig soft and yellow after being fed more. It will not make the meat strong at all, but will reduce the quality of the meat. The market price of cake feed is higher than that of other feeds. Multi use will increase feed cost, which is a waste in itself.
Mistake 2: feed pigs with cooked feed.
Raw feed technology has been widely used for a long time, but many rural pig farmers still use mature feed to feed pigs. They think that pigs eat cooked food and grow oil easily, but in fact, it is not. After the feed is cooked, almost all of the vitamins are destroyed, and the protein in the pig feed is aged and denatured. According to statistics, 20% of the nutrients are lost in the process of cooking, and the loss of nutrients in green feed is even greater. If it is put in the pot for a long time during stewing, nitrite poisoning will occur during feeding, resulting in pig death.
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