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来源:http://www.sanwangyoubanggen.com/ 日期:2020-08-07 发布人:admin
1. 对号入座。要正确按不同畜禽种类和不同生长、发育阶段选用不同比例的预混料品种,能量饲料添加要准确,搅拌要均匀。
1. Take your seat according to the number. Different proportions of premix should be selected according to different kinds of livestock and poultry and different growth and development stages. Energy feed should be added accurately and stirred evenly.
2. 更换猪预混料要循序渐进。突然更换预混料畜禽不适应,影响采食和生长。使用中应逐渐增加新料用量,减少旧料用量,大约一周时间过渡到完全使用新预混料。
2. The replacement of pig premix should be done step by step. Sudden replacement of premix is not suitable for livestock and poultry, which affects feeding and growth. In use, the amount of new material should be increased gradually, and the amount of old material should be reduced, and the new premix should be fully used in about one week.

3. 要按配方配合饲料。有很多养殖户使用预混料常常凭自己的经验,随便改变配方,造成各项营养指标不能满足畜禽各期的生长需要。
3. Feed should be formulated according to the recommended formula. Many farmers often change the recommended formula according to their own experience when using premix, resulting in various nutritional indicators can not meet the growth needs of livestock and poultry in each stage.
4. 猪预混料不宜直接使用,不宜用开水冲或蒸煮,以免破坏营养物质。
4. The pig premix should not be used directly, and should not be washed or boiled with boiling water, so as not to destroy the nutrients.
5. 不要将猪预混料与其它品种的预混料混合使用,以免影响效果。
5. Do not mix pig premix with other varieties of premix to avoid affecting the effect.
6. 贮放时间不宜过长,时间一长,预混料就会分解变质,色味全变。一般有效期为夏季更多3天,其它季节不得超过6天。应贮放在通风、干燥、避光、阴凉处,以免受潮变质造成损失。
6. The storage time should not be too long. If the storage time is too long, the premix will decompose and deteriorate, and the color and taste will change completely. Generally, the validity period is 3 days in summer and 6 days in other seasons. It should be stored in a well ventilated, dry, dark and cool place to avoid damage caused by moisture deterioration.
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