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来源:http://www.sanwangyoubanggen.com/ 日期:2020-12-15 发布人:admin
With the progress of science and technology, all walks of life have developed accordingly. Obviously in the breeding industry, pigs start to eat fermented pig feed, you know?
There are many kinds of raw materials for fermented feed, and the cost is low. After fermentation with probiotics, part of the feed can be used to feed pigs instead of feed, thus saving the feeding cost. Probiotics in fermented feed can balance the intestinal environment of pigs, ensure normal intestinal peristalsis and reduce the occurrence of intestinal diseases. The stomach and intestines of pigs are in good condition and the nutrient absorption and utilization rate is high. Fermented feed contains antibacterial substances, immunoglobulin factors and some bacterial proteins, which can improve the immunity of pigs and reduce the incidence rate of pigs.
The cost of fermented pig feed is low, and the feeding effect is good. More and more people follow this idea and want to try to feed with fermented pig feed. In fact, raising pigs with fermented pig feed is also a problem worthy of attention. Let's have a look.

1. 发酵猪饲料可代替全饲料达70%。饲料添加总量为30%,其次为40%、50%、70%。
1. Fermented pig feed can replace the whole feed by 70%. The total amount of feed added was 30%, followed by 40%, 50% and 70%.
2. 母猪分娩前15天内发酵的饲料量应小于50%,以防止母猪轻度酒精影响仔猪的生长发育;
2. The amount of fermented feed for sows should be less than 50% within 15 days before delivery, so as to prevent mild alcohol from affecting the growth and development of piglets;
3. Fermentation materials with moldy or different odor should not be used. If the fermented feed is not properly preserved, moldy or smelly, it can no longer be used as pig feed;
4. 将发酵后的猪饲料从容器中倒入猪体内,加料后立即密封容器。它不能暴露太久,以免造成污染。
4. Pour the fermented pig feed into the pig body from the container, and seal the container immediately after feeding. It should not be exposed too long to avoid pollution.
The feeding effect of fermented pig feed is really good, but the premise is to master the production technology and control the quantity. We can kill two birds with one stone only if we pay attention to what we should pay attention to.
Pig concentrate manufacturers introduced fermented pig feed to fight against so many benefits, no wonder so many farmers like it, it is estimated that pigs themselves like it!
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