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来源:http://www.sanwangyoubanggen.com/ 日期:2020-06-20 发布人:admin
猪饲料中添加砷制剂等药物添加剂可以明显地改善动物皮肤与肉质的颜色, 但对砷制剂的应用在我国学术界是有争议的, 为了民族兴旺和环境的净化, 推动绿色饲料的革命, 建议不要使用含有砷制剂的预混料。
The color of animal skin and meat can be obviously improved by adding Arsenic Preparation and other pharmaceutical additives in pig feed, but the application of arsenic preparation is controversial in China's academic circles. In order to promote the national prosperity and environmental purification, and promote the revolution of green feed, it is suggested that premix containing arsenic preparation should not be used.
动物生产性能在很大程度上是由饲料主原料构成的饲料主体营养要素决定的。使用的大宗原料不合格, 或者配方不科学, 或者加工不适合等都直接影响预混料的使用效果。还有动物的品 种、饲养管理、疾病控制等方面都会影响动物生产性能的。
To a large extent, the performance of animal production is determined by the main nutrient elements of feed composed of feed main materials. The use effect of premix is directly affected by the unqualified bulk raw materials, unscientific formula or unsuitable processing. There are also animal species, feeding management, disease control and other aspects will affect the performance of animal production.
此外, 我们在选择猪预混料产品时, 要注意该产品有无生产许可证、批准文号和注册商标。同时注意产品的生产日期和生产批号、合格证、产品标签。然后根据动物的生理特点、发育状态、生长阶段、生产用途等有目的地选择你所需的预混料产品, 并根据猪预混料的使用说明, 采用适当的加工工艺, 配制成理想的配合饲料产品。
In addition, when choosing pig premix products, we should pay attention to whether the products have production license, approval number and registered trademark. At the same time, pay attention to the production date, production batch number, certificate and product label. Then choose the premix products you need according to the physiological characteristics, development status, growth stage, production purpose of the animal, and according to the instructions of the pig premix, use the appropriate processing technology to prepare the ideal compound feed products.
Piglets and lactating sows have higher requirements for energy. They can add 1% - 2% fat in the concentrate to increase the quality of milk and the growth rate of piglets. Generally pregnant sows and medium and large pigs can be prepared with premix, but the raw materials should be strictly controlled. Pay attention to the mildew of corn, bran and protein content of soybean meal!
The formula of pig premix is the core of production technology. According to the characteristics of animal growth and nutritional needs of each stage of production, the basic nutritional content of domestic feed raw materials, the principle of what is needed to make up, economic and reasonable, safety, environmental protection and high efficiency, on the one hand, combined with nutritional needs, is adopted by the animal nutrition experts of a specific premix manufacturer

On the other hand, we should consider the need of processing. For most components that do not affect safety, such as nutritional additives, mastering appropriate amount is the key to formula technology. On the other hand, we should consider many factors such as external environment and processing technology, and carefully design them.
Generally, the best mixing time of vertical mixer is 10 minutes, and that of horizontal mixer is 6 minutes.
Double Xu recommends that the order of crushing is soybean meal, bran and corn. (but in fact, the operation mode of many pig farms is the opposite. After the soybean meal and bran are crushed into the mixer, the premixed feed is immediately poured into the mixer, and then the corn is crushed. When all corn enters the mixer, the timing of mixing time will start. Due to the different density of different materials, the stratification phenomenon between different materials will occur in the long-term mixing, which will lead to more serious nutrition imbalance, and will directly affect the health of the pig population in the long term.)
In general, medium-sized pig farms (500-100 sows) can use the full price feed according to the teaching trough material, the full price feed for nursery material, the concentrated feed for piglets, lactating sows, pregnant sows, and the premix for medium and large pigs. Because the digestion capacity of suckling pigs and nursery pigs is relatively weak, and the general full price granular feed is expanded, which can improve the absorption utilization rate and reduce the piglet thinning!
Piglets and lactating sows have higher requirements for energy. They can add 1% - 2% fat in the concentrate to increase the quality of milk and the growth rate of piglets. Generally pregnant sows and medium and large pigs can be prepared with premix, but the raw materials should be strictly controlled. Pay attention to the mildew of corn, bran and protein content of soybean meal!
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