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来源:http://www.sanwangyoubanggen.com/ 日期:2020-04-28 发布人:admin
In the breeding industry, feed accounts for about half of the breeding cost. At present, there are many kinds of feed in the market, but there are only three kinds: full price feed, premix feed and concentrated feed. What are these three feeds? How to choose the right feed for yourself?
1、 Full price feed
Full price feed is a kind of finished feed which can meet the needs of animals for various nutrients and reach a certain production level. These are usually produced by the manufacturer and can be fed directly after purchase of full price feed without any other ingredients, vitamins and minerals. However, the cost of farmers is relatively high for the following reasons:
1. 饲料运输成本高,导致饲料上涨。
1. The high cost of feed transportation leads to the increase of feed price.
2. Manufacturers need to process, so there is a processing fee, and the storage fee for raw and finished products also needs a large amount of money, which is also the reason for the high price of full price materials.
3. A large number of marketing expenses and management fees also increase the cost of feed price. Therefore, it is not suitable for the scattered farmers. Because of the large number of pigs and the large consumption of feed, the large farmers can directly get the goods from the factory, which reduces many intermediate links and saves a lot of money.

2. Concentrated feed
浓缩饲料是除去谷类饲料及其副产品(玉米、高粱、麦麸、小麦、大麦)和其他能量饲料的全价饲料。将浓缩饲料与一定比例的组分(主要是玉米、高粱等能量饲料)混合,得到或近似全价饲料。浓度一般在5%-50%之间,通常在20%-40%之间。比例较低的浓度可能需要全价添加蛋白饲料,而比例较高的浓度可能含有少量能量饲料。浓缩饲料更适合小农场和散养户,主要是因为全价饲料由60 - 80%的能量饲料+ 20 - 40%的浓缩饲料,只需要在当地购买玉米可以合作,和浓缩饲料制备全价饲料技术很简单,设备要求不高,质量易于控制。
Concentrated feed is a kind of full price feed which can remove cereal feed and its by-products (corn, sorghum, wheat bran, wheat, barley) and other energy feed. The concentrated feed is mixed with a certain proportion of components (mainly corn, sorghum and other energy feeds) to obtain or approximate the full price feed. The concentration is generally between 5% and 50%, usually between 20% and 40%. The lower concentration may require full added protein feed, while the higher concentration may contain a small amount of energy feed. Concentrated feed is more suitable for small farms and scattered farmers, mainly because the full price feed consists of 60-80% energy feed + 20-40% concentrated feed, and only corn can be purchased locally for cooperation. The technology of preparing full price feed with concentrated feed is very simple, the equipment requirements are not high, and the quality is easy to control.
additive premix
添加剂预混料,简称预混料,是复合饲料中比例较小但作用较大的饲料产品,它是由一种或多种生物活性微量成分(如维生素、氨基酸、微量矿物元素等)和非营养性饲料添加剂(如药物等)组成的。预混料在复合饲料中的比例一般在4% ~ 8%之间。但却是构成复合饲料的实质部分,是整个饲料的心脏。
Additive premix, or premix for short, is a feed product with a small proportion but a large role in compound feed. It is composed of one or more bioactive trace components (such as vitamins, amino acids, trace mineral elements, etc.) and non nutritive feed additives (such as drugs, etc.). The proportion of premix in compound feed is generally between 4% and 8%. But it is the essential part of compound feed and the heart of the whole price feed.
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