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猪预混料的正确使用方法 你用对了吗?
来源:http://www.sanwangyoubanggen.com/ 日期:2020-09-08 发布人:admin
The use of premix can improve the nutritional value of formulated feed. However, premix is an intermediate product in the production of formulated feed. The variety and requirements of feed vary greatly. It is difficult to completely match the production of all kinds of full price feed even though the premix is considered carefully. In order to make good use of live premix, the following two points should be paid attention to
1、正确选择型号 预混料按照不同猪种及其不同生长发育阶段的营养需要而科学设计的,因此用户应根据猪的实际情况选择不同阶段的预混料品种。有的用户为了贪图一时便宜,用中猪料代替小猪料,岂不知“小猪差1斤,大猪差10斤”,小猪阶段营养不足,影响了猪的后期发育,这种做法是得不偿失的。

1. The correct type of premix is scientifically designed according to the nutritional needs of different pig breeds and their different growth and development stages. Therefore, users should select different premix varieties at different stages according to the actual situation of pigs. Some users, in order to seek temporary cheap, use medium pig feed instead of small pig feed. They don't know that "the difference between small pig and big pig is 1 jin, and that of big pig is 10 jin". The lack of nutrition in piglet stage affects the later development of pig. This practice is not worth the loss.
2、严格剂量配合饲料 很多饲养户使用预混料时常常随便改变配方,有的用户为降低成本随意降低预混料在配合料中的比例,造成各项营养指标不能满足猪各个时期的生长需要,有的用户则任意加大预混料的比例,这样不但增加了成本,而且造成中毒现象。更有甚者将预混料当“味精”,在全价饲料中再添加小包装,以破坏了饲料的“全价性”。
2. Strictly recommended dosage of compound feed Many breeders often change the recommended formula when using premix. Some users reduce the proportion of premix in the mixture to reduce the cost, which results in that the nutritional indicators can not meet the growth needs of pigs in different periods, and some users arbitrarily increase the proportion of premix, which not only increases the cost, but also causes poisoning. What's more, they regard premix as "monosodium glutamate" and add small packages to the full price feed, thus destroying the "full price" of feed.
In addition, it is worth to evaluate the advantages of using heavy feed in pig production, and how to use it correctly.
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