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来源:http://www.sanwangyoubanggen.com/ 日期:2020-09-18 发布人:admin
1. It is easy to store, package and transport. After the pellet feed is formed, the volume of the pellet feed is reduced by about 1 / 3 compared with the powder feed, which is convenient for storage, packaging and transportation. During the storage process, the powdered feed is easy to absorb moisture, agglomerate and become moldy. Under normal circumstances, it can only be stored for 7-10 days. However, the pellet feed has good dispersibility, low hygroscopicity and high storage stability, and can be stored for 35-45 days under normal conditions The results show that the storage time is 4-5 times longer than that of powder; the automatic classification phenomenon is avoided in the transportation of finished products; the loss of dust and trace components is reduced in the process of packaging and use.
2. In the process of pelleting, some toxic substances or inhibitors (such as trypsin inhibitor, hemagglutinin, etc.) in feed are destroyed by heat. At the same time, it can kill 90% of Salmonella.
3. It can improve the palatability and feed intake of pigs. Due to the high density, reduced volume and high nutrient concentration of pellet feed, the raw material components (corn and soybean meal) emit natural fragrance after granulation and ripening by processing technology, and the palatability is significantly increased, so the feed intake of animals is also significantly increased.

4. Through granulation and ripening, the physical and chemical properties of some nutrients in the feed are improved, and the feed utilization rate is also improved.
5. Prevent pigs from picky eating and reduce feed waste
Due to the uniform size and comprehensive nutrition of pellet feed, the integrity and full price of the diet components were ensured, and the feed selection according to its palatability was avoided.
Pellet feed can reduce the loss caused by flying dust in the air and water. Due to the large amount of dust in the feed powder, the feed dust in the air provides a comfortable living environment for pathogenic microorganisms. In the current situation that respiratory diseases exist everywhere in pig farms, the dust with pathogenic microorganisms enters the respiratory tract of pigs to induce respiratory diseases, which makes it more difficult for technical personnel to control respiratory diseases There is little gas and dust, and the actual situation also proves that,
The pig farms using pellet feed have fewer respiratory diseases and are easier to control; moreover, pellet feed is easy to identify, for example, the size of pellet feed for piglets, growing pigs and finishing pigs is from small to large, which can reduce the waste caused by feeding mistakes of employees.
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